About Us
little pastries was formed by the love of connection and sharing food. The founder couple, Esta Selena and John Davinci has always been a sweet lover. Every free time they had, they would go and explore the different treats in different cultures.
Growing up from a family of traditions and cultures of French and Spanish, Esta took the first step outside of this tradition. Every time she sees her mother eating her grandmother’s croissant, they would dance together and talk about their day. It was such a precious little moments and Esta wanted to preserve them. Her determination drives John to book a flight outside of France and into the world. Since then, they’ve explored all kinds of sweets from Europe to Asia and recreate them to share in their little pastries.

What I want to embrace is culture and the connection people get when they tastes sweets. Therefore choosing the most iconic sweet is not ideal. It’s more on understanding the basic ingredients of that place, its people and how it’s put together. The simplest sweet could taste phenomenal if you get the taste from the origin correctly.
ーEsta Selena
We use non-preservative organic wholewheat flour and free ranged eggs to ensure the best pastries. Our imports are spices that were selected from locals to preserve the origin of each country’s taste.

We handle our pastries with care and love, ensuring a moment of enjoyable feeling.

We support local farmers. We source 90% of our spices and ingredients from local farmers to support local businesses. Since some spices are hard to find, we had to source it from our export partner from overseas. However, our imports goods were all recommended from locals in other countries so we can ensure you a rich and most original experience.

In term of partnering with local farmers, we also rescue ‘ugly fruits’ from them and save it from being in the trash. It works beautifully in our favors, and we can turn them into fruit pastries.
In response, our store has a low waste policy in which everyone inspect the trash daily, with a monthly review.

little pastries has discontinued all wet tissues, plastic cutlery and all the pastries are never wrapped or packaged unless asked.

At little pastries, we acknowledge the climate emergency and the scarcity of natural resources. Our packaging is made from recycled-papers. To promote a sustainability way of thinking, we gives 10% discount to those who BYO containers or bags.